
Thursday, February 6, 2020

Tips to Choose Fiber Optic Polishing Equipment

Fiber Connector Termination Quality is Very Important

In fiber communications, connector termination quality is very important as they can affect the quality of the light transmission. Back reflection and major insertion loss are made by bad polished connectors and this can lead to fiber network malfunction.

With a set of industry standards and specifications, all current fiber connectors need to comply. Since the early 1990s, this has been big progress. Connector termination used to be a labor-intensive process and a manual one but that has been changed since more automatic connector polishing equipment like fiber polisher and polishing machines introduced by various manufacturers.

Progress of the Polishing Equipment
At first, more operators are added by the cable assembly houses but that still could not catch up with the demand. Even today there is an important role of manual polishing.

Large volumes of connectors are produced by the automatic fiber connector polishing machine consistently. A set of strict specifications are met by all connectors in a repeatable way. Since labor is significantly reduced this process is also cost-effective.

A specific polishing motion is used by a fiber polishing machine, and to meet industry standards it is tested by the manufacturer.

When Choosing Your Fiber Connector Polishing Equipment the 7 Questions to Ask are-
Based on the following 7 questions, you should at least do your homework If you are about to purchase an automatic connector polishing machine.

  • To make all connector sides are equally polished, does the polisher move the incorrect motion?
  • For different types of connectors is it easy to change the holders?
  • Can the manufacturer supplies you with a custom connector holder and fiber stripper at the time of your need?
  • Whether the polisher is easy to set up and operate or not?
  • Whether you can change the polishing pressure or not?
  • Is it easy to access the polishing platens?
To choose the best one that meets your particular requirement it is very much important to compare at least 3 different models from 3 vendors.

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